
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Iced Lemon Drop Candy Cookies

Printable Recipe

I found this recipe over at Barbara Bakes, and knew right away that I just had to try it. They are so very good! You can find the recipe from her site, right here. I took it up a little notch, and rolled them in granulated sugar before baking, to counter-balance the tartness of the icing. I think it gave them that little extra boost to make them even better. Edited to add that the next time I make these, I'd probably bake them a little longer, to make them a little more crisp.

3 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, at room temperature
1 tbsp finely grated lemon zest
1  1/3 cups granulated sugar
2 large eggs, at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp lemon extract
1 (4 oz) pkg Lemon Drop candies, crushed

1  1/2 cups powdered sugar
3 tbsp lemon juice (use real lemon juice, not the bottled kind)

Place the candies in a heavy-duty plastic bag and finely crush them with a hammer or meat mallet. Set aside. In a bowl, stir together the flour, baking soda and salt, mix well and set aside. In another large bowl, combine the sugar and lemon zest and mix with an electric mixer for 30 seconds. Add the butter and mix on medium speed until pale and fluffy, ab out 1 minute. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the vanilla and lemon extracts and beat until well combined. Beat in the four mixture, in thirds, beating only until combined. When you are ready to beat in the last third of the flour mixture, stir the crushed Lemon Drops into it, mixing until evenly disbursed. Beat this into the cookie dough, only until combined. Do not over mix.

Line your cookie sheets with parchment paper and roll the dough into small balls (I would say they were about the size of a quarter) and quickly roll in granulated sugar. Place on cookie sheets. With the size I made mine, I fit 12 on a sheet, but the cookies do spread out as they bake so if you are making them larger, place fewer on the cookie sheets. Bake 350 degrees, 7-8 minutes, or if making them larger, probably 9-10 minutes, OR just until they are lightly browned around the edges.

Meanwhile, mix together the powdered sugar and lemon juice and spread thinly on the warm cookies. allow icing to completely set before storing in a plastic container.


  1. Oh, pass the plate please as I'd like a couple right now. They look delicious with all that lemon; very unique with the lemon drop candy. This is bookmarked and will be tried soon. Yum!!!

  2. These look yummy. Thanks for the recipe.

  3. These look great. I love how they have the little candies in them. I'm about to post about a lemony cookie, too, although not half as yummy as these. I'll have to give these a try the next time I'm craving lemon. (Quite often!)

  4. These look delicious! :)


  5. Wonderful recipe! I love lemon drop candies. I am going to have to make a batch of these delicious cookies!

  6. Wow, these look fabulous -how did I miss them?! I replied to the strawberry question on my site, also... wanted you to know!
    Back to cookies: I am going to make these next week, I will link it to you when I do. Have a great day!

  7. Thanks, Domestic Mama ~ Please do let me know how these turn out for you if you make them!

  8. Oh, my! I love lemon in desserts! Your nickname fits you well, these desserts look fantastic! Will need to try these for church lunch one day! :)

  9. Oh these look good. I love Barbara's place; always so much exciting stuff there!

  10. Hi! Thanks for following my blog! I really enjoy yours as well and look forward to checking out more great recipes like this! I love anything lemon flavored and the icing on top of these seals the deal.

  11. I love Barb! She is going to be my roommate at Blogher food on October. I'm so excited!
    Your cookies look great. I like that you rolled them in the sugar first. Now I have a craving for cookies!!! :)
