
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Lemon Bars

Everyone has a recipe for Lemon Bars, I'm sure.  This happens to be our family's recipe, handed down from my Aunt Barb on my dad's side.  They can either be sprinkled with powdered sugar, or they can be frosted with this frosting.  The only change I've made to make these bars extra lemony, is to use lemon extract in the frosting, as opposed to vanilla extract.  You can make the judgment call as to what to use, but they're awfully good with the lemon extract.  That is what I used for our last family gathering.  I doubled the recipe.  These should freeze well.

Printable Recipe

1/2 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 cup flour

Combine the above in a small bowl and mix well.  Pat into an 8" square pan that has been sprayed with Pam.  If desired, you can line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes, or until very lightly browned.

2 eggs, beaten
2 tbsp grated lemon zest and fresh lemon juice  *Note: You will get about 1 tbsp of zest and juice out of a good-sized lemon
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tbsp flour
1/2 tsp baking powder

Combine all of the filling ingredients in a large bowl and beat well.  Our over the partially baked crust and bake an additional 20-25 minutes, or until the filling has set.  During the baking time, turn the pan around a couple of times to ensure even baking.  Do not over bake.  Cool and frost.

1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
2 tbsp butter, softened
1 tbsp milk, or more to reach desired spreading consistency (I added more, and I used whole milk)
1 tsp vanilla extract (I used lemon extract)

Combine all of the frosting ingredients in a small bowl and beat until smooth, spread on the cooled bars.  Cut the bars small, and store in the refrigerator.


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  4. Surprisingly, I don't have a recipe for lemon bars. My mom always made lemon pie growing up. I will give them a try!
