
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Party Punch

This recipe comes from my sister Sandy. She been bringing it to all family holiday gatherings for years, and it is delicious! It's very easy to make, and makes a large amount. She will freeze the base of the recipe in plastic, gallon-sized ice cream containers and stores them in the freezer until ready to use.  It needs to be made ahead of time, so plan accordingly.

This recipe can be cut down.


2 (6-oz) packages lime jello
3 cups sugar
4 cups boiling water
8 cups cold water
1 quart ReaLemon juice
2 (46-oz) cans pineapple juice (this size can be found at most grocery stores)
1 (1-oz) bottle of PURE almond extract (yes, a whole one ounce bottle, and be sure to use the pure extract, and not the artificial. This is what gives it its delicious flavor.)

3 (1-quart) bottles of 7-UP

Mix the jello with the sugar in a large bowl and add the boiling water and stir until it has dissolved. Add the cold water, ReaLemon juice, pineapple juice, and the almond extract. Mix very well and divide between three gallon sized ice cream buckets or other containers of similar size. Place in the freezer.

The night before you plan to serve it (or the morning of, if you plan on serving it in the evening), place the frozen base in the refrigerator to allow it to turn to slush. This shouldn't take too long. When ready to serve, take one of the buckets and empty into a punch bowl and add one quart of the 7-UP and stir and serve. Repeat with the other containers, as needed. One quart of  7-UP per ice cream bucket of punch base.

The other two buckets can be kept in the refrigerator if you know that you will be using them up within a reasonable amount of time. You just don't want them to thaw, or melt, completely. If they do thaw too much, they can be refrozen.