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I was given the nickname of "The Sugar Queen" many years ago by my best friend's husband after I had given them some homemade Nut Goodie Bars for Christmas.  When he learned how much powdered sugar goes into the making of the filling, he was astounded - it's two pounds, in case you're wondering. Just so you don't have to feel too bad about using so much sugar, the recipe does make a HUGE amount and you can cut them very small and they will go very,very far! ... so using so much sugar is somewhat justified.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!  Now... having said all that ....  I'm using MUCH less powdered sugar these days, because I like a much softer filling.

You can find the recipe here:  Nut Goodie Bars

While I do like to cook, I really like to bake.  I prefer diner-style cooking, over "gourmet", so the recipes you'll find here are down-to-earth, and not too labor-intensive ~ just good, easy to prepare, old-fashioned comfort food.

So get comfortable and take some time to browse through my blog.  I hope to eventually have photos of all my recipes, but until then, you can be assured that these are old and new family favorites and I hope they will become yours, too!

Please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or comments or post a comment any time. 

Thanks for stopping by!
