Wednesday, December 19, 2018

THROWBACK - Chocolate Eclair Dessert

THROWBACK: These are recipes that I made years ago and then have fallen by the wayside over the years. I recently came upon many of these recipes when going through a box full of handwritten recipes and printed from off the internet. They've brought back a lot of memories going through them. I can't wait to try them again.

I used to make this all the time when my kids were little, and often made it when we had company over. It's an easy recipe to make, and the chocolate topping is delicious - so good, that I've used it as a frosting for other desserts. Allow several hours for this to chill and set up.


graham crackers
1 large package instant French Vanilla pudding mix (may use regular vanilla, too)
3 cups whole milk
8-12 ounce container Cool Whip

3 ounces unsweetened chocolate
2 tbsp butter, softened
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
3 tbsp milk
2 tsp corn syrup
1 tsp vanilla

Line a 9x13" pan with whole graham crackers, cutting them if necessary, to fit the pan. Set aside. Mix the instant pudding mix with the milk and beat. Add Cool Whip and mix well. Spread one-third of this mixture over the graham crackers. Top with more graham crackers. Spread another one-third of the pudding mix on top of the crackers. Spread with the final one-third pudding, and top with more graham crackers.

Combine all of the topping ingredients and beat for two minutes. Spread evenly over the crackers and then chill for several hours before serving.

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